
Can handle tough challenges on your jobsite

The RTX200 is equipped with a 15.3 kW Kohler engine to provide high-powered digging torque and a maximum trenching depth of 91.4 cm.


Because of the intuitive and enhanced VZ steering capabilities, the operator can work through difficult and uneven terrains.

At 88.9 cm wide, this unit is able to fit through tight spaces such as a typical backyard gate.


Offered with the option of tires or tracks, this machine can handle a variety of terrains and jobsites.

Kurt Drossin
Location BE
VertegenwoordigerGestuurd borenSleuven graven
+32 473 21 94 11
Wilco Karstens
Location NL
VertegenwoordigerSleuven gravenMiniladersGroenproducten
+31 6 51854882

Top features

  • Compact

    Light and compact, easy to transport and ideal for jobs where space is limited.

  • Rubber tracks

    Rubber tracks offer outstanding traction in soft, rocky or muddy conditions with minimal ground disturbance.

  • Optimized hydraulic components

    Optimized hydraulic components, including pumps and motors, are designed and configured to maximize power to the digging chain.